Our Large Control Systems fit your most demanding
application needs. They offer modular architectures and a range of I/O and
network options. These powerful control solutions deliver world-class
capabilities for all disciplines, from process to safety to motion. Designed
for distributed or supervisory control applications, our large programmable
automation controllers (PACs) and programmable logic controllers (PLC)
provide exceptional reliability and performance.
1756 ControlLogix Control System
ControlLogix® systems use a common control
engine with a common development environment to provide high performance in
an easy-to-use environment. Tight integration between the programming
software, controller, and I/O modules reduces development time and cost at
commissioning and during normal operation. You can perform standard and
safety control in the same chassis for a truly integrated system. Leverage
the high-availability and extreme environment capabilities to meet your
application needs.
Provides premier high-speed, high-performance, multi-disciplined
application control
Provides fully redundant controller architecture with bumpless
switchover and high availability
Provides modular and scalable network communications
Offers broadcast range of communication and I/O options
Provides time-synchronization capabilities for first fault, process
sequencing and other applications
Offers select products that are TÜV-certified for use in SIL 2
and SIL 3applications
GuardLogix® Integrated Safety Systems provide
the benefits of standard ControlLogix® systems, plus safety features
that support SIL 3 safety applications. GuardLogix safety controllers offer
integrated safety, discrete, motion, drive and process control, as well as
seamless connectivity to plant-wide information systems, all in the same
controller. Use EtherNet/IP™ or ControlNet™ networks for safety
interlocking between GuardLogix controllers. Connect field devices over
EtherNet/IP or DeviceNet™ networks.
Provide safety and integrated motion in the same chassis
Offer TÜV certification for SIL 3 functional safety (controller
and safety partner required)
Support Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP", integrated Sercos"
motion, and analog motion
Support safety communications via EtherNet/IP, ControlNet", and
DeviceNet" networks
Support multiple controllers in the same chassis, with each one
operating independently
Our GuardPLC™ Safety Control Systems offer
superior speed in PLC throughput and network functionality. These
controllers meet worldwide PLC standards and global standards for functional
safety. This family is ideal for sensing speed, direction, zero-speed,
temperature, pressure and flow applications. These controllers communicate
on a Safe Ethernet communications network that is TÜV-certified for use
in safety applications up to EN954 Category 4 and SIL 3.
Integrates easily into a standard control system
Communication options include GuardPLC" Ethernet (proprietary
protocol), EtherNet/IP", Modbus, Profibus and ASCII
Offers a single-wire Ethernet solution, running distributed safety
I/O on GuardPLC Ethernet while communicating to standard PLCs and HMIs
on EtherNet/IP
Offers TÜV-Certified Function Blocks, application-specific
instructions that you can use in a GuardPLC controller's application
Includes embedded safety inputs, outputs, and multiple communication
Supports several types of on-board and distributed I/O, high-speed
counters, analog inputs and outputs and dry contact safety relays